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Australian Mayflower Society
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Our Mission

In 1620, for the sake of religious freedom, 102 brave souls crossed treacherous seas to found a colony in America. Half died during the first winter, yet today their descendants number around 35 million worldwide and their impact has been immense.

In 2020, the Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants was formed by charter from the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in Plymouth USA. Our mission includes helping to tell the story of the Pilgrims to honor their strength, courage, faith and commitment to the principles of liberty.  Our members are descendants of the original Mayflower passengers who seek to preserve their heritage in Australia.

Membership is open to those who can trace their lineage back to the original Mayflower passengers. Learn more.

Are you a Mayflower descendent?

Upcoming Events

As we all know, the coronavirus pandemic has affected gatherings and travel around the world. However. many global and Australian Mayflower Society events are now held virtually by Zoom or as webinars.

The GSMD is running a free Mayflower Society House Virtual Lecture Series covering pilgrim-related topics, including their life and times, maritime experience and genealogy.  The monthly webinar lectures will be hosted by the Mayflower Society on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm USA EST.       Visit the Mayflower General Society lecture page to access the seminar links as they become available.

“They were a most unusual group of colonists. Instead of noblemen, craftsmen, and servants - the types of people who had founded Jamestown in Virginia - these were, for the most part, families - men, women, and children who were willing to endure almost anything if it meant they could worship as they pleased.”

Nathaniel Philbrick

Author of Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War

Australian Mayfower Society Mayflower journey map.jpg

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