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From the Helm - June 2023

Keith Quimbach

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

The Australian Governor's update - June 2023


It is with a sad heart that I inform you of the untimely passing of Orel Lea, a charter member and dear friend. Orel passed on the 19th May, 2023. From all of us, our sincere condolences go out to the Lea family She is surely missed by all.

The Annual General Meeting is only two weeks away and all the preparations and planning are in place for what is undoubtedly going to be a thoroughly enjoyable and informative time. Once again, my thanks go out to Connie Riley and Bill Elliott for their dedication to the process of organising a meeting place, hotels, restaurants etc.

New members

Congratulations to our newest members joining us this quarter:

Katherine M. (Sharpe) Mc GLINCHY, AU-56

Associate Member Eric “Barry” Mc GLINCHY, AU-56A

Dual Member the Rev. Michael R. DENNEY from Kittery, Maine. AU-57.

Dual Member Martin Beerman from Omaha, Nebraska. AU-58

Dual member Alexandra (Allie) GOLON, from Erie, Colorado. AU-59

The General Society of Mayflower Descendants

GSMD Governor General Jane E. Riddell Hurt, recently visited the Arizona State Society, at their annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona and moved on to Colorado and Wyoming.

The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants

Keith Price and his wife Sue are still traveling. They have been to the Philippines, Egypt and now in Portugal. They will be back in Brisbane sometime in September-October.

Richard Shaw and Colin Stone returned back to Sydney, on 15th of May after their visit in the USA.

Ann Wilkerson back home in Illinois, after her 10 day Heritage Tour of the Netherlands and the UK.

Birthday wishes and Anniversaries

April: Judy Arnold.

May: Marion Isham.

June: Keith Quimbach, Matilda Lea and Katherine Mc Glinchy.

Keith and Genevieve Quimbach, Andrew and Jeanette Wells, Philip Koether and Marc Curyer. Charter members Steve and Judy Arnold celebrated 46 years together.

I am happy to report. Steve Arnold, is doing well recovering from his recent pacemaker operation. We are thankful to have Genevieve Quimbach back home after her recent by-pass surgery. After some 8 weeks of rest and recuperation she has gained her strength back.

In closing, I would like to say farewell, fair winds and calm seas from this Captain, as I turn over the HELM to the next Governor to be elected at the AGM. The last three years have presented challenges and sometimes, a steep learning curve but I have enjoyed the process and the company of some very fine people. All good things come to an end I do hope to see some of you in person in just two weeks in Brisbane at the AGM.

Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor

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