The Australian Governor's update January - April 2022
Welcome and Happy Easter!
It's time to celebrate the Western Australian border coming down and all of Australia moving ahead without border restrictions . We are now able to travel across the country and visit family and friends. This means the AUSMD Inc. can now have our first face-to-face Annual General Meeting being held in Sydney in July. Where would we have been without Zoom!
New members
AU-49 – Ann Wilkerson – (William White descendant) – Dual member with the Mayflower Society in the State of Illinois, USA. Ann is the Deputy Governor of the Mayflower Society in the State of Illinois and Co-Chair with Peggy Marsh for the GSMD Junior’s membership. Be sure to see Ann’s article and photos from Leiden, Holland/Netherlands.
AU-50 - Richard L. Shaw – (George Soule descendant) approved by the GSMD on 18 March 2022, and accepted to our Society on 21 March. Congratulations. Richard was nominated and approved as our new Treasurer, effective 11 April. Richard has an amazing story behind his pursuit to become a member ofthe Mayflower Society, previously applied through Indiana, encompassing 4 years of research. Read Richard's story here.
AU-51 – Margaret R. Patterson (Thomas Rogers descendant) and Associate member Terrance W. Patterson - AU-51A. Margaret is a dual member with the State of New York. They live here Australia. Margaret saw our Australian Society article in the Mayflower Quarterly Spring Edition 2022 and wanted to be part of our society (local). Please read the research article by Terrance Patterson here.
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Governor General Jane Hurt will be hosting another quarterly webinar on April 26 th at 6:30 PM eastern. Please register here
The GSMD Webinars – scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month through December at 7 PM EST in the USA. (Our Thursday mornings in Australia). Free lectures, no pre-registration. Please see details here
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants
The AUSMD Inc. will be hosting our AGM and social gathering in SYDNEY on Saturday July 23 and Sunday 24 July. We will also be spending some time with members from the Fellowship of First Fleet. See details here
Birthday wishes and Anniversaries
February, March and April – Gregory Thompson, Lea Sinclair Filson, Bill Elliott, Joan Jones, Marc Curyer, Philip Koether and Judy Arnold.
Steve and Judy Arnold are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor
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