The Australian Governor's update October - December 2021

Welcome and Happy New Year!
Another year has passed us by and as we celebrate our charter anniversary on Australia Day, 26th January 2022, we pause to look back on the year that was 2021.
It was another extraordinary year. The accomplishments of our society are by no means that of any one person but rather a professional group of members and their families dedicated to carrying on our goals.
2021 saw ...
an 16% growth of our membership.
our juniors' program initiated in February. We now have 4 Junior members.
several guests speakers joined us including the Assistant Governor General Donald Studley and Sue Allan.
acquisition of new partnerships with other historical societies: Australian American Association in Brisbane, the Fellowship of First Fleeters in Sydney, NSW and several other Mayflower Societies in the USA.
New members
Congratulations and welcome to our newest members this quarter (bringing our total to 43) .
Hayden Granger - AU 47. Hayden is a Richard Warren descendant. Congratulations go out to the newly weds Hayden and his wife Maddi married on 14th January.
Keenan S. Granger - AU 48. Keenan is Hayden's brother. Keenan is married to Jesska. Their son AJ was our first junior member sponsored by his great-grandfather, Robert Granger. AJ will be two in February.
We were excited to progress our Australian Juniors program with the introduction of an "Activites and Crafts" web page.
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Governor General Jane Hurt will be hosting a webinar on Jan 25th at 6:30 PM eastern standard time, USA. Jane will also be joining us via ZOOM celebrating Australia Day and our Second Year Charter Anniversary.
The GSMD has hired a new Director of Genealogy and Research, Dr. Erin Scheopner. Having just spent her last 6.5 years in London, where Erin earned her PH D., she will begin her employment with the GSMD in February 2022.
The GSMD Webinars – beginning again in February. Always scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 PM eastern standard time in the USA. Free lectures, no pre-registration required. See the schedule here.
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants would like to remind our membership that we can process supplemental applications. This is available should you desire the recognition, and have additional Mayflower lineages beyond your initial one through which you attained membership. There is only the standard application fee which the General Society at Plymouth collects for each supplemental, yet no additional yearly membership dues.
Birthday wishes
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to members who are celebrating birthdays this past quarter - Connie and Lester Riley, Vicki Andrews and Fiona Lynton.
Hayden Granger
Robert S. Granger will celebrate his 81st birthday .
Kylie Moore
Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor
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