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From the Helm - June 2021

Keith Quimbach

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

The Australian Governor's update for April-June 2021
Thank you

A special thank you to Sue McLean and Keith Price for building and managing our website for the past year and to Sue for being our newsletter editor. You both will be GREATLY missed. We all want to wish Sue and Keith a very healthy and prosperous year ahead.

New members

Congratulations and welcome to our newest members this quarter (bringing our total to 45) and to our three new Junior members, Evangeline, Olivia and Matilda.

  • Dr. David C. Baker - a John Billington descendant from Manly NSW, approved March.

  • Dr. Carla Rigby - a John Howland descendant, approved May. Carla is dual member of the Maine Society and the State of Washington who says that some day in the near future she wants to visit Mayflower Society members in Australia.

  • Evangeline S. Isham - a 14th generation Edward Fuller descendant, Luke Isham's daughter from St. Kilda East, Victoria, sponsored by Steve and Marion Isham (grandpa and grandma)

  • Olivia N. Lea and Matilda J. Lea - 14th generation George Soule descendants and grand-daughters of Orel Lea, their sponsor.

Evangeline Isham with her new Junior Certificate on her birthday!

Meetings, social networking and events

Australian Zoom meetings

In addition to our regular Board meetings, we were privileged to have a special guest 'zoom in' live from England on April 16 to present to Australian members on the women of the Mayflower. Sue Allan, a published Mayflower author and researcher, focussed on George Soule's wife, Mary Beckett (Buckett) and Richard Warren's family. You can learn more about Sue Allan's work on her website, the Mayflower Mermaid.


We were excited to progress our Australian Juniors program with the rollout of a special Juniors Certificate, Juniors web page and Recommend Juniors Book list (from Peggy Marsh) this quarter. Thanks to Steve Isham for designing the Certificate and to the Junior Committee (Chair Peggy Marsh) for the booklist.

The General Society of Mayflower Descendants

The GSMD virtual seminars in April, May & June looked at the fascinating topics of Orphan Trains, Creating Wartime Family Reunions with DNA and How the Pilgrim Story grew in America. You can join the July webinar coming up on the life of Peregrine White via the GSMD Webinars web page.

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the First Thanksgiving and a celebration is being held in Plymouth, Mass. September 8th-11, with an Anniversary Thanksgiving meal in the schedule.

Birthday wishes

Finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to members who celebrated birthdays this quarter - Philip Koether, Judy Arnold, Gregory Thompson, Marion Isham, Meg Averett, Evangeline Isham Sue Mclean, and Matilda Lea.

Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor

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