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Keith Quimbach

From the Helm - September 2021

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

The Australian Governor's update for July - September 2021


Please welcome my wife, Genevieve Quimbach as the new Website Manager and newsletter editor. Gen is a full member of the Fellowship of First Fleeters, being a 7th generation decscendant of Nathanial Lucas (Scarborough) and Olivia Gascoingne (Lady Penrhyn). Gen is also an associate member of the AUSMD Inc.

New members

Congratulations and welcome to our newest members this quarter (bringing our total to 41) .

  • Pierce A Holstrom - AU-45. Pierce is a Mechanical Engineer. He is married and has two girls. They live in Hampton, East, Victoria. Pierce is a Stephen Hopkins descendant.

  • Matilda J Lea - AU-J-004. Matilda is the grand-daughter of Orel Lea and the sister of Oliva Lea. Maltilda is George Soule descendant.

  • Glenn S.K. Williams - AU 46. Glen lives in McLean, Virginia. He has two daughters and the younger daughter lives in Australia. Glenn has been the DC Society Historian since December when he was voted into that office. Glenn's primary ancestor is William Brewster along with another 8 or 9 other Mayflower ancestors.


We were excited to progress our Australian Juniors program with the rollout of a special Juniors Certificate, Juniors web page and Recommend Juniors Book list (from Peggy Marsh) this quarter. Thanks to Steve Isham for designing the Certificate and to the Junior Committee (Chair Peggy Marsh) for the booklist.

The General Board of Assistants

THE GBOA was held on Sept 8-12th in Plymouth. Our Acting DGG Steve Arnold and his wife Judy attended the GBOA on behalf of our Australian Society. Along with Steve and Judy, several other USA dual members also attended. They were: Governor General Jane Hurt, Sec. Gen. Meg Averett, Counselor Gen. Lisa Pennington, Member at Large #3 Lorrie Link, CT Gov. Gregory Thompson, FGG Lea Filson, Susan Abnor, Kenneth Whittemore, Marti Bobertz, Carla Rigby and Virginia Mucciaccio. (13 of our 15 dual members, that I am aware of).

Some highlights from the GBOA -

From Gregory Thompson came news regarding the Silver Book Project. There are fourteen books being revised: Soule Vol. 3, Edward Fuller, Stephen Hopkins, Brown, Francis Eaton, William White, James Chilton, Alden Part 7, Rogers Part 3, William Bradford, John Howland children Issac and Ruth, and a new Index Volume 1, to all the books. Visit the GSMD website Silver Book Project or contact Bonnie Wade Mucia, Director of the Silver Books Project.

The GSMD unveiled their new signs and logo for "The Mayflower Society" and the Mayflower website has been given a new facelift thanks to Christine Schlooser. Please visit the site here

The GSMD hired a new IT specialist and Web Manager in August.

Congratulations to GSMD's new Executive Director, Mark Schmidt who is starting 12 October 2021. Mark has a Masters and a Ph.D in History from Northeastern University in Boston. Mark and his wife reside in Plymouth. Mark has been hired to fill the vacancy left by Susan Belekewicz as of 23 July.

Congratulations to GSMD's new Treasurer General, Bart Henson who was voted in unanimously at the GBOA. Bart has replaced Elizabeth Gaudreau, who had resigned on 31 August.

Next year the GBOA will be held from Sept 5-12th, 2022 in Minnesota. Notes from the September 2021 meeting can be read here.

Birthday wishes

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to members who are celebrating birthdays this quarter - Matilda Lea, Carla Rigby, Jeanette Wells, Steve Arnold, Beverley Granger, Jane Hurt, Graham Andrews, Luke Isham, Orel Lea, Keenan Granger, Steve Isham, Lisa Apfel, Lisa Pennington, Fiona Lynton, Genevieve Quimbach and Derek Hall.

Farewell and Fairwinds

Finally, "Midge" Hurtuk, GSMD Historian General and charter member has decided not to renew her dual membership with us. Midge was instrumental in the first few months of (November/December 2019) our society being organized and processed at least six new applications for us to be Chartered by January 26th 2020.

Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor

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