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Keith Quimbach

From the Helm - September 2020

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

An update on Australian Mayflower Society activities over the June-August 2020 quarter - it's been an epic journey!

New members

Congratulations and welcome to our newest members this quarter (June-August 2020):

  • Lisa H. Pennington, Esq, Dual member with Texas - Isaac Allerton descendant.

  • Naomi E. S. Mann, MD - Dual member with Louisiana and William Bradford descendant. Dr. Mann has graciously agreed to be our Society's Surgeon.

  • Jane E. Groves Riddell Hurt - Dual member with Kansas, the future Governor General of the GSMD and William White descendant.

I would also like to congratulate members who transferred from other Mayflower Societies this quarter:

  • Transferred from Connecticut - Stephen (Steve) E. Isham, Scott Granger, E. Luke Isham, Shiloh N. Longbottom, Dr. Martin William Lawrence, Kylie Ellen Moore, Jeanette E. (Fuller) Harrison

  • Transferred from Hawaii - Orel Lea, Derek L Hall

  • Transferred from Georgia - Keith D. Price

Business Directions

NFP status, banking & website

During this past quarter, our Society became a registered Not-for-Profit organisation, and we opened our Australian bank account utilising three way video conferencing through Westpac banking. This was a first for their bank, and for us. A week after opening the bank

account, we are able to launch our website thanks to the tireless efforts of Sue Mclean and guidance from Kimberly Florsheim.

Zoom International Business Meeting

Most recently, with the onset of ZOOM, we conducted our first International Zoom business meeting on the 17th of August. We were especially honored to have both the Governor General, George Garmany Jr, and the Secretary General, Jane E. Groves Riddlle Hurt, as our guest speakers. (see Zoom photo). I was personally overwhelmed by the ease of the ZOOM process as the host. As our society continues to grow and we gain more members from around the world, the use of Zoom is obviously the way to the future. The clarity of the individuals on screen and the clarity of everybody's voices is unbelievable - considering the thousands of miles we are away from each other - and now we can be face to face.

Annual General Meeting

August 17th would have been our Annual General Meeting - (AGM) and it would have been held in Brisbane, Australia, but due to the border restrictions still in place because of coronavirus erruptions in New South Wales and Victoria, we had to postpone our AGM until a later date, possibly November or December. However, we took full advantage of this time to discuss some pertinent issues concerning the Society, and future goals.

Networking & reaching out to the community

Our Society has opened a few doors. We now have several members involved in other societies that recognize the significance of the Mayflower's journey.

American Legion Post

On Friday 11 September, our Deputy Governor, Bill Elliott had lunch with a few community members in Brisbane. They were Lt. Mike Sobyra, from the American Legion Post AU-03, along with a couple other gentlemen from the Australian American Association. The Australian American Association has asked Bill to be their guest speaker at their Thanksgiving Day luncheon. Also on Friday 11th, I attended a 9-11 Memorial Service at Saint George's cathedral here in Perth Australia, and laid a wreath on behalf of the American Legion Post.

Fellowship of First Fleeters + Daughters of the American Revolution Furthermore, our Society has had recent articles in both the Mayflower Quarterly Magazine and the 'Founders' Magazine, published by The Fellowship of First Fleeters (FFF), of which our very own Corresponding Secretary Fiona Rae Lynton is a member, as well as Genevieve Quimbach. We have several members (ladies) that belong to the DAR, Captain Cook Chapter in Sydney, as well as being Mayflower descendants. Some day in the foreseeable future, we might even enjoy an afternoon social gathering encompassing both societies.

Future growth

My hope and goals for our Society are highly optimistic but it's a way to stay focused and move forward. In the upcoming year, I would love to see our Society reach 50 members including dual members from Canada or Europe. And within the next year, we might even be able to expand our Society with a colony in New South Wales or Queensland. In the years to come, maybe even a colony in Tasmania. Like other societies, we will move forward and add 'Junior Members' for our future growth.

Please let us know if we you would like to receive our email updates so we can add to our email listing and or our Private (members only) Facebook page. 

Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Acting Governor

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